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League F.A.Q.

Q: How long is a skeeson?

A: 8 weeks of nightly matches, plus team and individual post-skeeson tournaments.

Q: What’s a team?

A: 3 Rollers, plus alternates (can’t make a night? Send an alternate!)

Q: How much does it cost?

A: It’s $300 per team ($100/roller - alternates are free). This covers the Skee-Ball play, plus t-shirts, collectible team roller cards, trophies and more!

Q: Where and what time?

A: Wednesday nights at Thriller Social Club. Matches start at 6PM.

Q: What’s a match?

A: Two teams compete for 10 frames, which takes about an hour. The team with the highest total score wins!

Q: How many teams are there?

A: We’ve got a 32 team limit this skeeson, so sign-up quick!

Q: What if I have to miss a week?

A: Your best option is to have an alternate roller fill in for you, but every team is allowed 3 make-up rolls per skeeson (1 per roller).